// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('cr.ui', function() { /** @const */ var ArrayDataModel = cr.ui.ArrayDataModel; /** @const */ var List = cr.ui.List; /** @const */ var ListItem = cr.ui.ListItem; /** * Creates a new autocomplete list item. * @param {Object} pageInfo The page this item represents. * @constructor * @extends {cr.ui.ListItem} */ function AutocompleteListItem(pageInfo) { var el = cr.doc.createElement('div'); el.pageInfo_ = pageInfo; AutocompleteListItem.decorate(el); return el; } /** * Decorates an element as an autocomplete list item. * @param {!HTMLElement} el The element to decorate. */ AutocompleteListItem.decorate = function(el) { el.__proto__ = AutocompleteListItem.prototype; el.decorate(); }; AutocompleteListItem.prototype = { __proto__: ListItem.prototype, /** @override */ decorate: function() { ListItem.prototype.decorate.call(this); var title = this.pageInfo_['title']; var url = this.pageInfo_['displayURL']; var titleEl = this.ownerDocument.createElement('span'); titleEl.className = 'title'; titleEl.textContent = title || url; this.appendChild(titleEl); if (title && title.length > 0 && url != title) { var separatorEl = this.ownerDocument.createTextNode(' - '); this.appendChild(separatorEl); var urlEl = this.ownerDocument.createElement('span'); urlEl.className = 'url'; urlEl.textContent = url; this.appendChild(urlEl); } }, }; /** * Creates a new autocomplete list popup. * @constructor * @extends {cr.ui.List} */ var AutocompleteList = cr.ui.define('list'); AutocompleteList.prototype = { __proto__: List.prototype, /** * The text field the autocomplete popup is currently attached to, if any. * @type {HTMLElement} * @private */ targetInput_: null, /** * Keydown event listener to attach to a text field. * @type {Function} * @private */ textFieldKeyHandler_: null, /** * Input event listener to attach to a text field. * @type {Function} * @private */ textFieldInputHandler_: null, /** * A function to call when new suggestions are needed. * @type {Function} * @private */ suggestionUpdateRequestCallback_: null, /** @override */ decorate: function() { List.prototype.decorate.call(this); this.classList.add('autocomplete-suggestions'); this.selectionModel = new cr.ui.ListSingleSelectionModel; this.textFieldKeyHandler_ = this.handleAutocompleteKeydown_.bind(this); var self = this; this.textFieldInputHandler_ = function(e) { if (self.suggestionUpdateRequestCallback_) self.suggestionUpdateRequestCallback_(self.targetInput_.value); }; this.addEventListener('change', function(e) { var input = self.targetInput; if (!input || !self.selectedItem) return; input.value = self.selectedItem['url']; // Programatically change the value won't trigger a change event, but // clients are likely to want to know when changes happen, so fire one. var changeEvent = document.createEvent('Event'); changeEvent.initEvent('change', true, true); input.dispatchEvent(changeEvent); }); // Start hidden; adding suggestions will unhide. this.hidden = true; }, /** @override */ createItem: function(pageInfo) { return new AutocompleteListItem(pageInfo); }, /** * The suggestions to show. * @type {Array} */ set suggestions(suggestions) { this.dataModel = new ArrayDataModel(suggestions); this.hidden = !this.targetInput_ || suggestions.length == 0; }, /** * A function to call when the attached input field's contents change. * The function should take one string argument, which will be the text * to autocomplete from. * @type {Function} */ set suggestionUpdateRequestCallback(callback) { this.suggestionUpdateRequestCallback_ = callback; }, /** * Attaches the popup to the given input element. Requires * that the input be wrapped in a block-level container of the same width. * @param {HTMLElement} input The input element to attach to. */ attachToInput: function(input) { if (this.targetInput_ == input) return; this.detach(); this.targetInput_ = input; this.style.width = input.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px'; this.hidden = false; // Necessary for positionPopupAroundElement to work. cr.ui.positionPopupAroundElement(input, this, cr.ui.AnchorType.BELOW); // Start hidden; when the data model gets results the list will show. this.hidden = true; input.addEventListener('keydown', this.textFieldKeyHandler_, true); input.addEventListener('input', this.textFieldInputHandler_); }, /** * Detaches the autocomplete popup from its current input element, if any. */ detach: function() { var input = this.targetInput_; if (!input) return; input.removeEventListener('keydown', this.textFieldKeyHandler_, true); input.removeEventListener('input', this.textFieldInputHandler_); this.targetInput_ = null; this.suggestions = []; }, /** * Makes sure that the suggestion list matches the width of the input it is. * attached to. Should be called any time the input is resized. */ syncWidthToInput: function() { var input = this.targetInput_; if (input) this.style.width = input.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px'; }, /** * @return {HTMLElement} The text field the autocomplete popup is currently * attached to, if any. */ get targetInput() { return this.targetInput_; }, /** * Handles input field key events that should be interpreted as autocomplete * commands. * @param {Event} event The keydown event. * @private */ handleAutocompleteKeydown_: function(event) { if (this.hidden) return; var handled = false; switch (event.keyIdentifier) { case 'U+001B': // Esc this.suggestions = []; handled = true; break; case 'Enter': // If the user has already selected an item using the arrow keys then // presses Enter, clear the suggestions but also keep // |handled| = false, so the input field can handle the event as well. this.suggestions = []; break; case 'Up': case 'Down': var newEvent = new cr.Event(event.type); newEvent.keyIdentifier = event.keyIdentifier; this.dispatchEvent(newEvent); handled = true; break; } // Don't let arrow keys affect the text field, or bubble up to, e.g., // an enclosing list item. if (handled) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }, }; return { AutocompleteList: AutocompleteList }; });